If the words “I hate my job” pop up in your head every day, it’s clear that something has to change… and quickly. In this situation, the most tempting thing to do is to quit and find a new job.

However, this may not be the best solution for you. Why? Because just changing jobs will not improve anything. You will only improve your situation once you have determined exactly what the problem is.


So what if you hate your job?

The first step you can take in such a situation is to take care of yourself. If you keep saying, “I hate my job,” I guess you’ve come a long, exhausting road.

It’s not that easy to admit to yourself that you hate your job. It takes many weeks and situations to get to this stage. The state where you admit that you hate your job is the state of general work fatigue. I mean not only physical fatigue but also emotional and mental fatigue.

In this situation it is very important that you take good care of yourself now. Perhaps your employer or boss is overwhelming you with responsibilities and you don’t have time for a good rest. Remember, however, that your work is only present in your life for a while. Even if it is stable and you have a signed contract for an indefinite period, your work will end one day. Regardless of whether there are changes to the company or you decide to leave. You are not permanently attached to any job – unlike your body.

Your body is a priceless resource. You receive your body and related health for life. Is it worthwhile to strain something that is priceless and given to you forever in favor of something temporary?


If you’re exhausted with a job you hate, it’s time to shift your focus to something more important. It’s time for you to take care of yourself, your health and your well-being. This is very important as you will need extra energy to change.

Review your daily schedule and think about what you could do for yourself. The biggest problem is usually getting up – the crisis starts in the morning. So it’s good to change something in your daily routine to make getting up more enjoyable.

For example, reading a few pages of a book works great for me. I focus on the content and thanks to that I put my thinking on the right track. Music also gives me an amazing kick – listening to it gives me positive energy to act. It is complemented by hugging my daughter and stroking the dog – it makes me feel better.

These may be small things, but they are of great importance to me because they charge me up for the whole day at work. Look for such small but meaningful top-ups during the day. Then it will be easier for you to get through difficult moments at work.

Just getting enough sleep can make a big difference in your mood. Your body needs regeneration, especially when work is exhausting you.

When you focus too much on your work, you often neglect your basic needs – getting enough sleep, eating healthy or exercising. Sometimes you have to start with these simple things to get back into balance.


When you take care of yourself – your body and well-being, you slowly begin to regain balance. Then a position will open for you where you can reflect on the next steps.

But before you do anything, think about what is meant by “I hate my job”. Write down on a piece of paper what you hate the most about your job. Take time to compile a complete list. As a rule, this takes a few days because new situations arise that remind you of new reasons.

When you feel your list is complete, it’s a good idea to group all your reasons together. Mark separately those related to the company or related to people. You can also separately indicate the reasons related to the working conditions or the tasks you perform.

After you have grouped the entire list, it will be easier for you to see what is generating the most problems. It is very important to identify these things as you will avoid them in your next job. This way you will avoid getting into another trap when changing jobs.


The moment you say “I hate my job”, most of the time you are on the verge. You are heartily fed up with everything. You’d love to get it all to hell as soon as possible. Unfortunately, few of us can afford the luxury of quitting our job overnight. If it were that simple, you would have done it by now.

So let’s keep your emotions in check. Morning routine, daytime recharges and self-care should keep you from making sudden movements.

Time to consider if you have used all the possibilities to improve your situation so far. You have a list of reasons why you hate your job, so use it now. Check what can be improved from the list of things you wrote down? Depending on your relationship with your boss and the team you work with, you can ask for a change.

It is often the case that we are disturbed by various things at work, but we do not talk about it loudly. It’s a pity because sometimes you can change something enough to improve the situation. If you see that there is room for improvement in your work, talk to others about it. At least you’ll have a good conscience that you’ve tried everything.


If, however, it turns out that nothing can be changed, there is nothing else to do but prepare a plan to leave. There is nothing worse than throwing papers without a plan and no security. Sure, sometimes it’s the only way out. Usually, however, you have time to be well prepared to leave.

A good plan is essential, so it’s worth taking a moment to think about the next steps. In a situation where it’s already clear that you want to leave, it’s a good idea to set a potential departure date. You can stick to the notice date or use the agreement of the parties. The longer notice gives you more time to look for a new job. It is definitely best to leave when you have already accepted an offer from another company.

For this, however, you will need to refresh your CV. If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, it’s high time to create one. It is the basic tool of recruiters today. Your job search can be significantly shortened by being on LinkedIn.

As soon as you decide that you are looking for a new job, start gathering industry contacts. Come to industry events: conferences, workshops and fairs. Meet people and add them to your LinkedIn network. These contacts can prove valuable once you start intensively looking for work.

The statement “I hate my job” may be the end of a certain stage in your life. Paradoxically, it can make something change for the better in your professional sphere. The experience of a job that you hate can positively affect your further career path. In this difficult situation you will be clear about what you definitely do not want in your work. It will be easier for you to find an activity that will make you feel more positive.


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