Values ​​at work are the most important guiding principles that help you prioritize your career. They are very personal and define what is meaningful and meaningful to you. While values ​​may change depending on life circumstances, they are generally believed to be persistent and constitute a compass for setting goals and making decisions.

When you choose jobs that meet your basic psychological needs, motives, and values, you become more immersed in your job. This, in turn, allows you to experience greater efficiency in action and translates into greater job satisfaction.

There is a direct relationship between personal values ​​and job satisfaction. One of the main reasons you may be unhappy at your job is because of your job conflicts with your values. Often times, we don’t even realize that our dissatisfaction is due to such a wrong fit – we just have a general impression that something is wrong.

So if you are facing an important career decision, stop for a moment and think about the most important values ​​at work.


Values ​​are your beliefs about what is important or desirable. When your values ​​align with how you live and work, you feel greater satisfaction and self-confidence.

One of the keys to a sense of commitment at work is aligning your own values ​​with the values ​​of the organization, team and direct manager.

The interesting thing about values ​​is that even if you have never consciously considered them before, your values ​​are still part and parcel of you. Many people don’t even realize they exist until something happens that undermines or threatens their values.

So take some time to think about what is really important to you and what exactly motivates you. This will help you be better prepared and resistant to testing your values.

Living or working in a way that goes against your values ​​can lead to dissatisfaction, discouragement and burnout. So you have a good reason to define your values ​​and try to align your work with them.


We all have both internal and external values. Internal values ​​are related to the actual tasks related to the performance of a specific profession or work. These are intangible rewards that keep you motivated and committed to your work. In short, intrinsic values ​​make you wake up in the morning and look forward to work, no matter the weather.

An example of inner values ​​could be independence, appreciation or helping others.

External values ​​are tangible rewards or conditions you will find at work. In other words, they relate to what you get from your work rather than what you put into it. Examples of external values ​​are high earnings, foreign business trips, or flexible working hours.


To determine your core values, you need to think about what motivates you. Everyone is motivated by something different, especially in the workplace.

It’s worth rethinking your values ​​at an early stage in your career. Not being aware of what is most important to you at work can hinder your professional development. If you do not know your values, you run the risk of poor career choices and frequent job changes.

The easiest way to define your values ​​is to make a list of things that are important to you at work. After selecting the 5-10 most important values, just arrange them in the order of their importance to you.


Your values ​​are the main principles that are most important to you in the way you work. You use these deep-seated principles when choosing between good and bad ways of working. These, in turn, help you make important decisions and career choices. The best career choices are those that match your values.

Values ​​are directly related to job satisfaction. Therefore, it is worth taking a moment to consider choosing a job that will reflect your values.

If your goals align with your core values, thinking about them will evoke positive feelings. When you feel good at your job, you will be able to achieve much more motivation, success, and happiness.


Finally, one important thing to keep in mind, especially if you are facing an important career decision. While your values ​​play an important role in your career choice, you shouldn’t consider them in isolation from other important things. You also need to look at other characteristics such as your personality type, interests, and predispositions.


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